The 7 Habits
of Highly Effective
1 Proactivity
A reactive manager
In a circle of worries he can't do anything about
Anxious for lack of resources
Proactive manager
Focuses on the inner circle where he can make a difference;
Finds the resources he needs
What resources can be developed?
What steps to take?
2 See the result
Start by imagining the end goal
Do not have ready-made plans and programmes, but make a goal for yourself.
Have a vision
Passionate vision
Clearly articulate the contribution you're going to make as a manager
1 set aside an hour a week and polish the formulation
2 Outline it to the boss and subordinates
- Make sure it is known to all
- Be guided by this wording in everything you do.
This is the result I want to achieve.
and this is the contribution I am going to make
Stand up for what is right
No one understands why there is no goal, no time to waste
Wasting time on it in the first place is stupid
3 Do what needs to be done first
Doing things regardless of what you may not like
Resign your feelings to your purpose
Time management matrix
Urgent and important
- Better entrust a crisis manager with the job
Urgent and important
- Highest priority square
Urgent and unimportant
Urgent and unimportant
The most dangerous square
Need to give up things that don't lead to a goal
4 Win-win-win
Thinking along the lines of "Won-Win"
A balance of sensitivity and courage
1 Be sensitive to team members
- Treat employees like customers
2 Employees must be held accountable for their commitments
Demand responsibility
Agreements can be signed
- Objectives
- Methods and reports
How someone wins
Consequences if not
Evaluation criteria
These agreements are the manager's main job
From here on, the employee can examine and evaluate himself or herself and be held accountable
5 First understand, then be understood
Listens carefully
Seems to try to understand
One begins to listen to oneself
A sense of self-worth emerges
Listening with the intention to understand
Not with the intention of responding.
This is empathic listening
Say nothing or give in
Especially in conflicts
Create a feedback loop
Talk about the quality of work with the employee
Meet with employee 1 on 1
Telling what's good and bad about the job
- But only the facts
Then just listen to the employee and try to understand
Then suggest solutions
6 Synergy
The whole is greater than the sum of its parts if those parts are different
One head is good, but two is better
Active interest in other points of view
When they differ, rejoice, not endure
Learning as many sharp opinions as possible to make the best decision
Keeping to one narrow circle ruins creativity
Aiming for synergy into a habit
It is a process
1 define a success criterion
2 derive 2 opposite models of achievement
3 find a new and better solution
It is not a compromise
Plan for the week
Planning tools
7 Sharpen the saw
Invest in your employees
Make sure they use their main resources and don't burn out on the little things
Get to know your employees better
Find out what drives them
Does the salary live up to expectations?
What do you enjoy doing?
What do you do best?
What would make the work more meaningful for you? How would you like to contribute?
Nobody wants to do meaningless jobs.
They want goals that
Awaken all that is best