What are the main visualization features found in mind maps?


These are:

  • Visual branch structure;
  • Adding different icons;
  • Inserting images;
  • Drawing own icons.

Yes, IOctopus now has all three of these features. 

data visualization mind map

You can load images from your computer into the mind maps for idea visualization. At the branches they will be displayed small but nice. When you click, they will expand to the full screen with a lightbox. 

How to add a picture?

The easiest way to add an image is to simply drag it to the branch or the center.

But there is a second option - using the icons menu.

visualization mind map

To replace with another - just load or drag another image. 

Delete - right click on the picture.

delete visualization mind map


How can you visualise your thoughts even faster, easier and more relevant?

Try drawing the icon yourself. This feature is released on 4 March 2022.

drawing icon in mind map


That's all, try it yourself in your map, before you forget how to do it 🙂


See also

Come fare una mappa mentale

Come padroneggiare tutte le sfumature chiave della creazione di mappe mentali in 10 minuti? E soprattutto, per padroneggiare per anni.

In modo da non dover tornare indietro.


È facile con i compiti rapidi e interattivi di questo articolo.
