
This plugin gives you the ability to:

  • add hashtags to mind maps
  • display only branches with certain hashtags (hide others)
  • select hashtags from the list when adding them again
  • use emoji in hashtags

View demo


Mind map hashtags

Display branches with selected hashtags only:

Mind map hashtags selected

How to share a file with tags already selected:

  • Select Tags.
  • Without moving the platform, click Share.
  • Copy the link (create one if necessary) and share it.

Install (standard plugin)
  1. Open a mind map and press ~ (or File Plugins)
  2. Find a plugin with name "Tags"
  3. Select it
    Adding plugin to mind map

If you share a mind map, other users will have this plugin installed automatically, they don't have to click anything to do it.

How to change the plug-in

For those who know JavaScript.

  1. Download plugin
  2. Modify the downloaded file in a text editor
    • Also change the plugin name
  3. Open a mind map and press ~ (or File Plugins)
  4. Select the modified file by the button
    Adding plugin to mind map
24 may 2024