We're making connections between the branches now.
There's still a lot of work to do. But there's already a lot to see.
This is the prototype of two versions of connections:
The first one is manual like the other mind map software.
And the second one is automatic. That is:
- Curves find their own way. You don't have to move anything - just specify the start and end.
- Also in this mode you do not need to correct anything - if something was added or maximize, curves will adjust themselves.
Let's look at a few more examples:
What do you think? Would you use such automatic curves in IOctopus mind maps?
See also
Connections between branches (done)
We seem to have a great relationship. Look, there's a new button at the top that makes the connections between branches.
When it makes sense, we break the design rule: "everything should be obvious in the interface". But what would be the point of that?