
Connections between branches (done)

We seem to have a great relationship. Look, there's a new button at the top that makes the connections between branches.


Mind Maps Scripts

What are mind map script for?

To create unique functionality. For example:

  • Inserting current date
  • Insertion of synonyms
  • And anything else you need


How to translate a mind map

You can use this method to quickly duplicate entries in other languages on your mind map.
Watch the video example is in the article.


Hidden functions

It's time to talk about features that are on IOctopus but that few people know about.


Connections between branches (prototype)

We're making connections between branches now.

There's still a lot of work to do. But there's already a lot to see.
This is the prototype of two versions of connections:


Come fare una mappa mentale

Come padroneggiare tutte le sfumature chiave della creazione di mappe mentali in 10 minuti? E soprattutto, per padroneggiare per anni.

In modo da non dover tornare indietro.


È facile con i compiti rapidi e interattivi di questo articolo.


How to make nice presentations even when you're not a designer?

Because a presentation is a way to present information clearly and convey your ideas to the audience. About a product, a service, a company. For explaining a process. For science or business. In any case, it is important that it was simple, beautiful and visual. The success of the presentation depends on it.


Cosa sono le mappe mentali?

Guardiamo una piccola illustrazione.

Come sopravvivere alla caduta da un elicottero?...


What are the main visualization features found in mind maps?

These are:

  • Visual branch structure;
  • Adding different icons;
  • And inserting images;
  • Drawing own icons.

IOctopus now has...


How to add a link to another branch in a mind map?

One of IOctopus users gave us an idea:
a way to link and jump from one branch to another.

The idea seemed to us very intetersing, and we thought about how to improve it a little ...


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