Features / Links
How to add a link to another branch in a mind map?
One of IOctopus users (his name is Cristian) gave us an idea:
a way to link and jump from one branch to another.
The idea seemed to us very interesting...
Read 👉 https://ioctopus.online/how-to-add-a-link-to-another-branch-in-a-mind-map

Features / Affiliates Program
Now you can invite people to ioctopus and get a 21% of their payments. Read more at https://ioctopus.online/affiliates

Features / Icon Size
We could do the resizing as in other similar programs. For example, when you can set any size of pictures with the mouse.
However, IOctopus has its own philosophy...
Features / Mobile adaptation
Why has IOctopus been so long without mobile adaptation?
You should agree that it is most pleasant to work with mental maps on a large computer screen. And that's what we were focused on.
But how can a web-service be without adaptation in 2021? In additional, there may not be a computer nearby.
Yes, we agree. So it's time 🙂
Now all the features is available on your phones and tablets, including collaboration. Especially for small screens, we have redesigned the interface, which adapts to the situation and displays only what is needed at the moment.
And also we have optimized the performance. So that you can comfortably use not the most modern smartphones.
See how the adaptation works in the demo https://ioctopus.online/demo
Features / Left Side

Features / Collaboration
You can see other users and edit the same file with them.

To test this, just invite someone to the demo.
Features / Sharing
Simple sharing for read-only and editable modes.
Follow the link to test it https://ioctopus.online/____Sharing__(read-only)____70cb72019ecb5cabfc39739fc25c0dca

Features / Drag and drop icons and colors
This function is made at the suggestion of the user. Thank you for the idea!

Features / Tasks

Features / Clipboard