Features / Text comments to a branch
Sometimes you need to write a lot in a branch.
But the main idea of mind maps is to write little.
It is important because short mind maps are easier to remember and perceive.
So, how to do this?
Read 👉 https://ioctopus.online/how-to-add-comments-to-a-branch
Features / Plugins
Advanced features are available for installation in two clicks. We have catalogued the first ready-made plug-ins, look https://ioctopus.online/plugins

Features / Formula
The script adds the ability to add formulas to your mind maps for automatic calculation.

Read how it works 👉 https://ioctopus.online/formula
Features / Branch width
Now it's up to you to choose how wide the branches will be.
You can change the width of one branch. Or all at once.

Features / Export
If you want to print a mindmap, you need to take screenshots and make a collage 😵💫 Stop putting up with it!
Meet the new feature - export! Click-click and your map is in .jpg or .png format.
Voila 😌

Features / Connections between branches
Blog / Connections between branches (prototype)
We're making connections between branches now. There's still a lot of work to do. But there's already a lot to see.
Read more 👉 https://ioctopus.online/connections-between-the-branches
Blog / How to make a mind map
When someone asks you: "how to make mind maps?", just send the link to the interactive article in response.
Features / White theme
Especially for creating nice presentations, we made a white theme on IOctopus. It works even when you're not a designer!

Read more 👉 https://ioctopus.online/how-do-you-make-nice-presentations-even-when-youre-not-a-designer
Features / Images
The ability to upload images from your computer to the maps is ready.
Read more 👉 https://ioctopus.online/what-are-the-main-visualization-features-found-in-mind-maps